LATEST IN Volunteer Firefighting

Chief Ronald Jon Siarnicki: The Future of the Fire Service

Technology and evidence-based research is changing the face of the fire service. Chief Ronald Jon Siarnicki talks about the evolution of fire prevention, fire suppression, and EMS response in America. He notes that the fire service will grow by combining lessons learned with evidence-based research...


Chief Rich Marinucci: Get Involved!

Chief Rich Marinucci says get involved! He urges firefighters be personable and to meet people outside your department. He recalls many of the great fire service leaders that he’s encountered over the years and how that has helped him grow.


Dr. Dan Madrzykowski: The Future of the Fire Service

Future of the fire service is being driven by changes in our own environment. With new technologies, building materials, and alternative energy systems creating new challenges. Dan notes that the fire service continues to prove that it is resilient in the way they adapt to the changes in the world...


Dr. Dan Madrzykowski: Supporting the American Fire Service

Dr. Dan Madrzykowski has used his training in fire protection engineering and experience in research engineering for over 30 years to help keep firefighters safe and effective. Since 1999, departments and other fire service organizations have embraced how research can benefit firefighters, keep...


About the Series

Inspiration for the Next Generation of Fire Service Leadership

The Legacies in Leadership video series captures thoughts from fire service leaders with advice for the next generation of leaders. Viewers will hear how the nation's fire service legacies started their careers, learn about the impact of notable emergency incidents, and perspectives on how the fire service has changed and what the future holds.

Meet the Speakers